The World's Nvocc Leader With 300+ Offices In 160+ Countries


U.S. Customs & Regulations USA Imports

10+2 Announcement US Customs & Regs (Imports) - This announcement is an advisory discussing new USA customs regulations regarding ocean cargo entering the USA.
10+2 FAQs Frequently Asked Questions sheet published by CBP, addressing new 10+2 regulations.
10+2 and 5+2 Worksheet A worksheet to assist customers with the collection of data required to meet 10+2 regulations.
10+2 Form/Presentation U.S. customs presentation (PDF) addressing the new 10+2 regulations.

U.S. Customs & Regulations USA Exports

US Customs Exports – USPPI This form gives ECU Worldwide the authority to file Shippers Export Declarations on behalf of the U.S. customer or U.S. Principal Party of Interest.
US Customs Exports – FPPI This form gives ECU Worldwide the authority to file Shippers Export Declarations on behalf of a foreign customer or Foreign Principal Party of Interest.

Tariff & Terms

Tariff Rules Archive FMC Tariff Rules Archive
Bill of Lading Terms This form, which is also found on the back of our bills of lading, describes the terms and conditions that govern any shipment handled by ECU Worldwide
INCO Terms This guide helps define the most commonly used terms that are used in international trade.
Tariff Rules FMC Tariff Rules
CTC Agreement - Fillable CTC Agreement
Sales Agency Agreement Sales Agency Agreement

Payments & Credit Application

Electronic Payments This page provides information on how to make wire transfers or ACH payments to ECU Worldwide for services rendered.
Credit Card Payment This form must be printed and filled out, signed and faxed back to ECU Worldwide in order to pay for a shipment with a credit card. A 3% convenience fee will be assessed on credit card payments.
Credit Application To apply for credit with ECU Worldwide, please print, complete, sign and, fax Attn: Accounting Dept at 305-694-3133 for processing.

Miscellaneous Forms

Shipper's Letter of Instruction This is a form to be filled out by the shipper, to instruct ECU Worldwide on how to process their Air/Ocean export shipment.
Hong Kong: Restricted Commodities List of restricted commodities to/via Hong Kong.
Shipping Lithium Batteries via Air This form must be submitted when shipping Lithium Batteries via Air.
United Kingdom: Residence Transfer New procedures for individuals transferring their residence to the UK.
RESTRICTED COMMODITY - INDEMNITY AGREEMENT Indemnity agreement for shipping restricted commodities/cargo.


Terminal Map Terminal Map
Imports Service Guide These guides list all origins where we offer LCL import services into the USA, including origin port of consolidation as well as destination port of devanning.
Transatlantic Export Guide This guide lists all global destinations outside of Latin America that we offer ocean export service to.
Latin America Export Guide This guide lists all Latin American destinations that we offer ocean export service to.
Container Sizes This guide describes the different container sizes (and capacities for each) that are utilized for international trade services.
Caribbean Transshipment Agents A list of caribbean transshipment agents
ECU Trucking Brochure Brochure for ECU Trucking
ECU Trucking Guide ECU Trucking Guide
ECU360 Escalation Guide Matrix ECU360 Escalation Guide Matrix
Miami Warehouse Rates Miami Warehouse Rates
ECU Worldwide Corporate Presentation - Template ECU Worldwide Corporate Presentation - Template

Claims Forms

Cargo Claims Guide Consultation Guide in the event of cargo Lost or Damaged while in the Care/Custody/Control of ECU Worldwide
Claims Form This form assists a customer in filing and processing a claim against ECU Worldwide relating to the transporting of international cargo.